Costume Designer


"You're like a Renaissance Person."

That stands as the best compliment I have ever received from a colleague. Since then, it's been my goal to live up to it. I possess many talents, and I have found that my myriad of skills are best challenged by costume design. It’s a field where strange obsessions with pockets of history, a persistent doodling habit, a love of puns, art, fantasy novels, and a patterned textile fixation meld flawlessly.

I am currently based in the DC/DMV area. Under the mentorship of Helen Huang, I received my MFA in Costume Design from the University of Maryland. I earned my BFA in Theatre Performance with focuses in Costume Design and Musical Theatre. However, I credit the start of my costuming career with my mother handing me a piece of paper and telling me to draw a Halloween costume for my sister and I at the age of six.

My design interests range from the spectacular to the mundane. Whether working on a fantasy, period, or modern design, the core of my process is performer and character focused. My job is to elevate everything that the performance brings to stage. I delight in finding costume details that immerse the wearer in the character they are embodying.

I am currently a lecturer of Costume Design and Technology at the University of Maryland - Baltimore County and continue to freelance nationally.

I look forward to working with you in the future!